Throttle Linkage для Mariner - 40 LIGHTNING XR (International) 0N056165 & Up
1853742003 ARM, ActuatorARM, Actuator
210-16201 BOLTBOLT
423-9528612 COLLARCOLLAR
510-8M0124428 BOLTBOLT
611-400212 NUT, (M6) Stainless SteelNUT, (M6) Stainless Steel
78537501 CAM, Throttle
(40 Lightning XR/50)CAM, Throttle
(40 Lightning XR/50) -
78537502 CAM, Throttle
(40)CAM, Throttle
(40) -
8803156 LEVER, AdvancerLEVER, Advancer
910-4000333 SCREW, (M6 x 40)SCREW, (M6 x 40)
1024-803157 SPRING, Throttle CamSPRING, Throttle Cam
1112-953921 WASHERWASHER
1223-9528613 COLLARCOLLAR
1413-400256 LOCKWASHER, (M6)LOCKWASHER, (M6)
158M0054756 L-LINKL-LINK
168555616 L-LINKL-LINK
17853745 CAPCAP
1811-16081 NUTNUT
19163332 SNAP, Link RodSNAP, Link Rod
2112-953925 WASHERWASHER
23803993 ARM, Throttle Stop (Handle)ARM, Throttle Stop (Handle)
2410-4000330 SCREW, (M6 x 25) (Handle)SCREW, (M6 x 25) (Handle)
2512-16826 WASHER, Stainless Steel (Handle)WASHER, Stainless Steel (Handle)
2623-8M0021168 COLLAR, (9.3 mm) (Handle)COLLAR, (9.3 mm) (Handle)
27803994 S-LINK (Handle)S-LINK (Handle)
28803995 SNAP, Link Rod (Handle)SNAP, Link Rod (Handle)
Все узлы модели:
- Accessories
- Accessories
- Air Silencer
- Bottom Cowl, 0N134078 and below
- Bottom Cowl, 0N134079 and up
- Carburetor
- Crankshaft, Piston and Connecting Rods
- Cylinder Block
- Driveshaft Housing
- Electrical Components
- Electrical Components(Electric Models)
- Flywheel
- Fuel Line
- Fuel Tank(Plastic- 6.6 Gallon)
- Gear Housing, Driveshaft, Serial 0N116270 and Below
- Gear Housing, Driveshaft, Serial 0N116271 and Up
- Gear Housing, Propeller Shaft, Serial 0N116270 and Below
- Gear Housing, Propeller Shaft, Serial 0N116271 and Up
- Inlet Manifold and Reed Block
- Manual Tilt, Serial Number 0N096057 and Below
- Manual Tilt, Serial Number 0N096058 and Up
- Oil Injection Components
- Power Trim
- Power Trim Components
- Recoil Starter
- Remote Control Components
- Remote Control Components
- Service/Support Material
- Shift Components
- Starter Motor
- Steering Drag Link Components
- Steering Handle
- • Throttle Linkage
- Tools
- Top Cowl
- Transom and Swivel Brackets(Manual)
- Transom and Swivel Brackets(Power Trim)