Exhaust Manifold, Elbow and Riser для Mercruiser - 496 H.O. BRAVO 1G400000 & Up
1866178T01 MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY, Cast-Iron Alloy, ExhaustMANIFOLD ASSEMBLY, Cast-Iron Alloy, Exhaust
222-12524 PLUG, (.375-18 x .475) BrassPLUG, (.375-18 x .475) Brass
322-865341A03 FITTING ASSEMBLY, Drain - Stainless Steel
Port Exhaust ManifoldFITTING ASSEMBLY, Drain - Stainless Steel
Port Exhaust Manifold -
322-865828A02 FITTING ASSEMBLY, Drain
Starboard Exhaust ManifoldFITTING ASSEMBLY, Drain
Starboard Exhaust Manifold -
427-46820 GASKET, Exhaust Manifold to Cylinder HeadGASKET, Exhaust Manifold to Cylinder Head
510-40011151 SCREW, (M8 x 35) Stainless SteelSCREW, (M8 x 35) Stainless Steel
610-40011158 SCREW, (M8 x 70) Stainless SteelSCREW, (M8 x 70) Stainless Steel
7865331A02 ELBOW, Exhaust
Standard RiseELBOW, Exhaust
Standard Rise -
7865332A02 ELBOW, Black, Exhaust
2 Inch RiseELBOW, Black, Exhaust
2 Inch Rise -
832-863095 HOSE, Elbow to ManifoldHOSE, Elbow to Manifold
954-815504216 CLAMP, Worm Gear (1.56 Diameter)CLAMP, Worm Gear (1.56 Diameter)
1016-8204511 STUD, (M8 x 55)STUD, (M8 x 55)
1110-4010725 SCREW, (M8 x 25)SCREW, (M8 x 25)
1311-4002030 NUT, (M8)NUT, (M8)
1427-862356 GASKET, Elbow to ManifoldGASKET, Elbow to Manifold
158M2000433 GASKET, Turbulator, ExhaustGASKET, Turbulator, Exhaust
16885342002 SENSOR ASSEMBLY, TemperatureSENSOR ASSEMBLY, Temperature
1725-627021 O-RING, (.301 x .070)O-RING, (.301 x .070)
1810-4010716 SCREW, (M8 x 16)SCREW, (M8 x 16)
1916-424632 STUD, (M8 x 37.1)STUD, (M8 x 37.1)
208M0124066 RISER, (6 Inch)RISER, (6 Inch)
2132-863102 HOSEHOSE
2216-863121 STUD, (M8 x 194)STUD, (M8 x 194)
NS19-8M0074364 CAP, Hose Clamp EndCAP, Hose Clamp End
2410-8M0113180 SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.00)SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.00)
2513-41471 LOCKWASHER, (.375)LOCKWASHER, (.375)
26860222A1 RESONATOR, ExhaustRESONATOR, Exhaust
278M2000159 ELBOWELBOW
Все узлы модели:
- Block, Camshaft and Pistons
- Block, Crankshaft, Oil Pump and Front Cover
- Cool Fuel System
- Cooling System, Fresh Water Components
- Cylinder Head
- Drive Lube Reservoir Assembly
- Engine Cover
- Engine Mounts
- • Exhaust Manifold, Elbow and Riser
- Flywheel Housing
- Fuel Module-Bravo
- Gasket Set Components (27-883231A 1), Engine
- Gasket Set Components (27-889924A02), Overhaul
- Intake Manifold
- Lifting Brackets and Wiring Harness
- Mercathode Kit
- Oil Filter and Adapter
- Oil Pan and Drain System
- PCM and Bracket
- Remote Oil System
- Seawater Pump
- Sensor and Harnesses
- Service and Support Material
- Shift Bracket, Mechanical Shift
- Starter and Alternator
- Steering Components
- Throttle Body
- Trim Pump and Motor Components
- Trim Pump Assembly, Complete
- Water Drain System