Fuel Pump And Fuel Cooler для Mercruiser - 383 STROKER SCORPION 1G300000 & Up
1807951T BRACKET, Fuel CoolerBRACKET, Fuel Cooler
38M0125846 PUMP/COOLER KIT, Fuel
(Contains Cooler 861267A 1)PUMP/COOLER KIT, Fuel
(Contains Cooler 861267A 1) -
422-807783A1 FITTING ASSEMBLY, 90 DegreeFITTING ASSEMBLY, 90 Degree
525-805063 O-RING, (.301 x .070)O-RING, (.301 x .070)
725-805062 O-RING, (.530 x .082)O-RING, (.530 x .082)
88M0125847 COOLER KIT, FuelCOOLER KIT, Fuel
910-866114 SCREW, (.250-28) SpecialSCREW, (.250-28) Special
1053-861414 RING, RetainingRING, Retaining
1211-29598 NUT, (.250-28) Stainless SteelNUT, (.250-28) Stainless Steel
13807952A1 REGULATOR KIT, Fuel PressureREGULATOR KIT, Fuel Pressure
1435-805406 FILTERFILTER
1525-805531 O-RING, (.476 x .075)O-RING, (.476 x .075)
1612-89302 WASHER, (.203 x .406 x .040)WASHER, (.203 x .406 x .040)
1812-36533 WASHER, (.328 x .562 x .0312) CopperWASHER, (.328 x .562 x .0312) Copper
1910-808005 SCREW, (.250-20 x .500)SCREW, (.250-20 x .500)
20269011 BUMPER, RubberBUMPER, Rubber
21807930T01 INSULATOR, CoverINSULATOR, Cover
2232-862617A02 LINE ASSEMBLY, Fuel, Fuel Cooler to Fuel RailLINE ASSEMBLY, Fuel, Fuel Cooler to Fuel Rail
2326-863151 SEAL, Quad RingSEAL, Quad Ring
2411-860069 NUT, (.375-16)NUT, (.375-16)
2532-8M0063567 HOSE, (58.00 Inches Bulk), Fuel Pressure Regulator to Intake Manifold
(Cut to 52 Inches)HOSE, (58.00 Inches Bulk), Fuel Pressure Regulator to Intake Manifold
(Cut to 52 Inches) -
2632-8M0046750 LINE, Fuel, Fuel Pressure Regulator to Fuel FilterLINE, Fuel, Fuel Pressure Regulator to Fuel Filter
2732-8M0046684 LINE, Fuel, Fuel Filter to Fuel PumpLINE, Fuel, Fuel Filter to Fuel Pump
2810-852368 SCREW, (#10-24 x .750)SCREW, (#10-24 x .750)
Все узлы модели:
- Alternator And Brackets
- Cylinder Block - Flywheel Housing
- Cylinder Block, Camshaft and Crankshaft
- Cylinder Head And Rocker Cover
- Distributor And Ignition Components
- Electrical Components
- Exhaust Manifold, Elbow And Pipes (Manual Drain)
- Front Cover And Circulating Pump
- Fuel Filter And Boost Pump
- • Fuel Pump And Fuel Cooler
- Gasket Set Components (27-807670A02), Overhaul
- Intake Manifold And Fuel Rail
- Oil Pan And Oil Pump
- Pistons And Connecting Rods
- Remote Oil Filter
- Sea Water Pump Assembly
- Service and Support Material
- Standard Cooling System(Manual Drain)
- Starter Motor
- Thermostat and Housing
- Throttle Body And Air Plenum
- Transmission And Engine Mounting
- Transmission And Related Parts(Borg-Warner 71C/ 72C)
- Transmission(Walter V-Drive)