Electrical Components, Mechanical Throttle and Shift для Mercruiser - 5.0L MPI ALPHA/BRAVO EC 1A300000 THRU 1A611927

1865480T BRACKET, Harness Mounting/Lifting EyeBRACKET, Harness Mounting/Lifting Eye
210-98261 SCREW, (.375-16 x .750)SCREW, (.375-16 x .750)
38M0072015 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Alpha, Standard CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Alpha, Standard Cooling -
38M0071875 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Alpha, Closed CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Alpha, Closed Cooling -
38M0072016 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Bravo, Standard CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Bravo, Standard Cooling -
38M0071877 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Bravo, Closed CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
5.0L Bravo, Closed Cooling -
38M0071879 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Alpha, Standard CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Alpha, Standard Cooling -
38M0071878 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Alpha, Closed CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Alpha, Closed Cooling -
38M0072017 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Bravo, Standard CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Bravo, Standard Cooling -
38M0071880 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Bravo, Closed CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
350 Bravo, Closed Cooling -
38M0052734 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
377, Standard CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
377, Standard Cooling -
38M0052735 PCM, Propulsion Control Module
377, Closed CoolingPCM, Propulsion Control Module
377, Closed Cooling -
410-82130025 SCREW, (M6 x 25)SCREW, (M6 x 25)
512-65567 WASHER, (.265 x .750 x .048) Stainless SteelWASHER, (.265 x .750 x .048) Stainless Steel
9864337A1 CONNECTOR, Black, Jumper
Black WireCONNECTOR, Black, Jumper
Black Wire -
Alpha -
Bravo -
1186-865205 CLIP, Relay MountingCLIP, Relay Mounting
1254-804352 CLIP, Fuse Block MountingCLIP, Fuse Block Mounting
13883562 COVER, FuseCOVER, Fuse
1588-832969T15 FUSE, Mini - Blue - 15 AmpereFUSE, Mini - Blue - 15 Ampere
1588-832969T20 FUSE, Mini - Yellow - 20 AmpereFUSE, Mini - Yellow - 20 Ampere
16879288T31 BRACKET, RelayBRACKET, Relay
1788-11178A01 BREAKER, Circuit - 50 AmpereBREAKER, Circuit - 50 Ampere
1811-826709106 NUT, (#10-32) Stainless SteelNUT, (#10-32) Stainless Steel
1910-830861 SCREW, (#8-32 x .625)SCREW, (#8-32 x .625)
2011-401366 NUT, (M6) Stainless SteelNUT, (M6) Stainless Steel
2116-863439 STUDSTUD
2284-865983T01 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, InjectorsHARNESS ASSEMBLY, Injectors
2484-8M0113732 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, Clean PowerHARNESS ASSEMBLY, Clean Power
25862646 FUSE, Tan - 5 AmpereFUSE, Tan - 5 Ampere
26828054 COVER, FuseCOVER, Fuse
2784-95084A10 CABLE ASSEMBLY, (5.00 Inches) Red
BravoCABLE ASSEMBLY, (5.00 Inches) Red
Bravo -
2888-79091 FUSE, 20 Ampere
BravoFUSE, 20 Ampere
Bravo -
2984-95084A9 CABLE ASSEMBLY, (91.00 Inches) Red/Purple Strip
BravoCABLE ASSEMBLY, (91.00 Inches) Red/Purple Strip
Bravo -
308M6000623 SENSOR, Pressure
Steering CoolerSENSOR, Pressure
Steering Cooler -
30881879T11 SENSOR, Pressure (0 - 100 PSI), OilSENSOR, Pressure (0 - 100 PSI), Oil
318M6003194 SENSOR ASSEMBLY, Knock
350/377 MagSENSOR ASSEMBLY, Knock
350/377 Mag -
338M2003959 SENSOR, OxygenSENSOR, Oxygen
3411-889664 NUT, (1.500-18) Black NylonNUT, (1.500-18) Black Nylon
358M0054509 BRACKET, FlushBRACKET, Flush
3610-98261 SCREW, (.375-16 x .750)SCREW, (.375-16 x .750)
3610-824941 SCREW, (.312-18 x .750)SCREW, (.312-18 x .750)
Все узлы модели:
- Alpha/Bravo Steering Components
- Alternator and Brackets
- AXIUS Steering Components, Oil Cooler and Bracket, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, Fluid Filter (HP) 1A347685 & Up, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, Fluid Filter (Non-HP) 1A347684 & Down, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, High Pressure Filter Conversion Kit, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, Hoses (For HP Filter) 1A347685 & Up, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, Hoses (Non-HP Filter) 1A347684 & Down, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, Hydraulic Pump, 1A342859 and Down, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, Hydraulic Pump, 1A342860 and Up, Gen I
- AXIUS Steering, Reservoir and Front Lifting Eye, Gen I
- Closed Cooling Sys., Sea Water Pump Hoses -1A343748 and Down
- Closed Cooling Sys., Sea Water Pump Hoses -1A343749 and Up
- Closed Cooling System (Alpha)
- Closed Cooling System (Bravo)
- Closed Cooling System, Heat Exchanger
- Closed Cooling System, Poppet Valve
- Cool Fuel System -Bravo(SN 1A343748 & Below)
- Cool Fuel System -Bravo(SN 1A343749 & Above)
- Cylinder Block, Camshaft and Crankshaft
- Cylinder Block, Flywheel Housing and Rear Main Seal
- Cylinder Head Assembly
- Distributor and Ignition Components
- Electrical Components, Digital Throttle and Shift
- • Electrical Components, Mechanical Throttle and Shift
- Engine Mounts
- Exhaust Manifold and Elbow
- Exhaust System Components
- Front Cover and Circulating Pump
- Fuel Filter, Alpha
- Fuel Module Components -Bravo(SN 1A343748 and Below)
- Fuel Module Components -Bravo(SN1A343749 and Above)
- Fuel Supply Module, Alpha
- Gasket Set Components (27- 75611A03), Cylinder Head
- Gasket Set Components, Engine Overhaul
- Gear Lube Monitor
- Intake Manifold and Fuel Rail
- Jackshaft Main Kit
- Mercathode Components
- Oil Pan and Oil Pump
- Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Remote Oil Filter Assembly
- Rocker Cover
- Sea Water Pump Assembly
- Service and Support Material
- Shift Bracket, Alpha
- Shift Bracket, Bravo
- Shift Bracket, Digital Throttle and Shift
- Standard Cooling System (Alpha), Single and 7 Point Drain
- Standard Cooling System (Bravo), Air, 3 & 7 Point Drain
- Starter Motor
- Thermostat and Housing, Closed Cooling
- Thermostat and Housing, Standard Cooling
- Throttle Body, Digital Throttle and Shift
- Throttle Body, Mechanical
- Water Distribution Housing
- Water Drain, Air Manifold and Pump