Cylinder Block, Flywheel Housing and Rear Main Seal для Mercruiser - 5.0L MPI ALPHA/BRAVO 0W650000 THRU 1A299999
117-8M0092110 PIN, Dowel (.6206/.6211 x 1.20), Flywheel Housing LocationPIN, Dowel (.6206/.6211 x 1.20), Flywheel Housing Location
219-34270 EXPANSION PLUG, (1.625), Engine Core HoleEXPANSION PLUG, (1.625), Engine Core Hole
322-32561 PLUG, (.250-18 x .41), Oil GalleyPLUG, (.250-18 x .41), Oil Galley
422-72640 PLUG, Expansion, Camshaft Bearing HolePLUG, Expansion, Camshaft Bearing Hole
516-14827 STUD, (.250-20 x 2.180)STUD, (.250-20 x 2.180)
627-881715 GASKET, Crankshaft Oil Seal HousingGASKET, Crankshaft Oil Seal Housing
7852940 HOUSING ASSEMBLY, With Studs, Crankshaft Oil SealHOUSING ASSEMBLY, With Studs, Crankshaft Oil Seal
826-852941 SEAL, Cranskshaft OilSEAL, Cranskshaft Oil
916-11989 STUD, (.312-18 x 1.6718)STUD, (.312-18 x 1.6718)
1011-8M0098315 NUTNUT
1110-14242 BOLT, (.250-20 x .875)BOLT, (.250-20 x .875)
1210-8M0064241 BOLT, (.250-20 x 1.750)BOLT, (.250-20 x 1.750)
1311-11971 NUT, (.312-18)NUT, (.312-18)
1417-14263 PIN, Dowel, Oil Seal Housing LocationPIN, Dowel, Oil Seal Housing Location
15807260A2 COVER KIT, FlywheelCOVER KIT, Flywheel
NS11-807296 NUT, (.250-20)NUT, (.250-20)
1610-76596 SCREW, (.250-20 x 1.250)SCREW, (.250-20 x 1.250)
1610-86885 SCREW, (.250-20 x 1.500) Stainless Steel, Not Included With Item 15
(SEACORE)SCREW, (.250-20 x 1.500) Stainless Steel, Not Included With Item 15
1817-43504 PIN, Dowel, FlywheelPIN, Dowel, Flywheel
1910-845757 SCREW, (.437-20 x 1.00)SCREW, (.437-20 x 1.00)
Alpha -
NS22-74036 FITTING, Grease
AlphaFITTING, Grease
Alpha -
2118644 BUMPER, Rubber
AlphaBUMPER, Rubber
Alpha -
2210-14883 SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.12)
AlphaSCREW, (.375-16 x 1.12)
Alpha -
2312-13510 WASHER
Alpha -
248M0098795 COUPLER ASSEMBLY, Engine - Short Aluminum Hub
Bravo and All Jacksahft ModelsCOUPLER ASSEMBLY, Engine - Short Aluminum Hub
Bravo and All Jacksahft Models -
24861523A11 COUPLER ASSEMBLY, Engine
Bravo, Steel Hub for Work ApplicationCOUPLER ASSEMBLY, Engine
Bravo, Steel Hub for Work Application -
2522-49099 FITTING
Bravo -
2610-863480 SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.125)
BravoSCREW, (.375-16 x 1.125)
Bravo -
2712-20572 WASHER, (.390 x .750 x .093)
BravoWASHER, (.390 x .750 x .093)
Bravo -
28865657A03 HOUSING ASSEMBLY, Flywheel
Alpha/BravoHOUSING ASSEMBLY, Flywheel
Alpha/Bravo -
298M0103028 MOUNT KIT, Rubber
Alpha/BravoMOUNT KIT, Rubber
Alpha/Bravo -
3110-97934 SCREW, (.500-20 x 5.370) SpecialSCREW, (.500-20 x 5.370) Special
3212-35777 WASHER, (.5156 x 1.375 x .125) AluminumWASHER, (.5156 x 1.375 x .125) Aluminum
3323-99299 SPACER, (.520 x .870 x .630)SPACER, (.520 x .870 x .630)
3413-35048 LOCKWASHER, (.375)LOCKWASHER, (.375)
3516-861316 STUD, (.375-16 x 2.750) SpecialSTUD, (.375-16 x 2.750) Special
3516-861316 STUD
Horizon -
3611-863332 NUT, (.500-20) AluminumNUT, (.500-20) Aluminum
3712-20572 WASHER, (.390 x .750 x .093)WASHER, (.390 x .750 x .093)
3810-37612 SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.250)SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.250)
3810-32132 SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.750)SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.750)
3810-35047 SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.250) Stainless Steel
(SEACORE)SCREW, (.375-16 x 1.250) Stainless Steel
3911-32219 NUT, (.375-16)NUT, (.375-16)
3911-82671112 NUT, (.375-16)
(SEACORE)NUT, (.375-16)
4084-62826T06 CABLE ASSEMBLY, Ground (13.00 Inches) BlackCABLE ASSEMBLY, Ground (13.00 Inches) Black
Все узлы модели:
- Alternator and Brackets
- Closed Cooling System - ALPHA
- Closed Cooling System - BRAVO
- Cylinder Block(Camshaft and Crankshaft)
- • Cylinder Block, Flywheel Housing and Rear Main Seal
- Cylinder Head and Rocker Cover
- Distributor and Ignition Components
- Electrical Components(Digital Throttle and Shift)
- Electrical Components(Mechanical Throttle and Shift)
- Engine Mounts
- Exhaust Manifold and Elbow
- Exhaust Risers
- Exhaust System Components
- Front Cover and Circulating Pump
- Fuel Filter, Alpha
- Fuel Supply Module, Alpha
- Fuel Supply Module, Bravo
- Gasket Set Components (27-861246A05), Engine Overhaul
- Gear Lube Monitor
- Intake Manifold and Fuel Rail
- Jackshaft Components
- Mercathode Components
- Oil Pan and Oil Pump
- Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Remote Oil Filter Assembly
- Sea Water Pump Assembly
- Service and Support Material
- Shift Bracket, Alpha
- Shift Bracket, Bravo
- Shift Bracket, Digital Throttle and Shift
- Standard Cooling System - ALPHA, 7 Point Drain
- Standard Cooling System - ALPHA, Single and 3 Point Drain
- Standard Cooling System - BRAVO, 7 Point Drain
- Standard Cooling System - BRAVO, Single and 3 Point Drain
- Starter Motor
- Steering Components
- Thermostat and Housing, 7 Point Drain
- Thermostat and Housing, Single and 3 Point Drain
- Throttle Body(Digital Throttle and Shift)
- Throttle Body(Mechanical)
- Water Distribution Housing
- Water Drain, Air Manifold and Pump