Trim Pump Assembly(Complete) для Mercruiser - BRAVO X TWO 0W250000 & Up
-865380A25 PUMP ASSEMBLY, Trim - CompletePUMP ASSEMBLY, Trim - Complete
-807378A2 PUMP ASSEMBLY, Trim - 24 Volt - Complete
(Used In Special Diesel Applications Only)PUMP ASSEMBLY, Trim - 24 Volt - Complete
(Used In Special Diesel Applications Only) -
110-98260 SCREW, (.375-16 x .620)SCREW, (.375-16 x .620)
2865380A13 PUMP/MOTOR ASSEMBLY, Trim - 12 VoltPUMP/MOTOR ASSEMBLY, Trim - 12 Volt
(Used In Special Diesel Applications Only)PUMP/MOTOR ASSEMBLY, 24 Volt
(Used In Special Diesel Applications Only) -
384-79147A08 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, With Molded ConnectorHARNESS ASSEMBLY, With Molded Connector
488-812619 FUSE, Yellow - 20 AmpereFUSE, Yellow - 20 Ampere
5828054 COVER, FuseCOVER, Fuse
689-96158T SOLENOID, 12 VoltSOLENOID, 12 Volt
689-807377T SOLENOID, 24 Volt
(Used In Special Diesel Applications Only)SOLENOID, 24 Volt
(Used In Special Diesel Applications Only) -
810-41508 SCREW, (.250-20 x .500) Stainless SteelSCREW, (.250-20 x .500) Stainless Steel
911-26419 NUT, (#8-32) BrassNUT, (#8-32) Brass
1084-86322A24 CABLE ASSEMBLY, (4.00 Inches)CABLE ASSEMBLY, (4.00 Inches)
1184-79138A9 CABLE ASSEMBLY, (6.00 Feet) Black-Negative, NegativeCABLE ASSEMBLY, (6.00 Feet) Black-Negative, Negative
1294275 LINK, ConnectorLINK, Connector
1313-26992 LOCKWASHER, (.250) Stainless SteelLOCKWASHER, (.250) Stainless Steel
1411-94330 NUT, (.250-20) BrassNUT, (.250-20) Brass
1588-79023T10 FUSE ASSEMBLY, 110 AmpereFUSE ASSEMBLY, 110 Ampere
1612-25908 WASHER, (.265 x .812 x .0625)WASHER, (.265 x .812 x .0625)
1784-79139A12 CABLE ASSEMBLY, Red-Positive, Battery - PositiveCABLE ASSEMBLY, Red-Positive, Battery - Positive
1813-26992 LOCKWASHER, (.250) Stainless SteelLOCKWASHER, (.250) Stainless Steel
1911-21825 NUT, (.250-28)NUT, (.250-28)
2110-48409 SCREW, (#10-16 x .625) Stainless SteelSCREW, (#10-16 x .625) Stainless Steel
2284-86322A15 CABLE ASSEMBLY, (5.50 Inches) BlackCABLE ASSEMBLY, (5.50 Inches) Black
2311-68292 NUT, (.312-18)NUT, (.312-18)
2410-90285 SCREW, (.312-18 x .625)SCREW, (.312-18 x .625)
25862548A1 BRACKET KIT, Floor or Transom MountedBRACKET KIT, Floor or Transom Mounted
2658491 CHANNEL, Rubber (4.00 Inches)CHANNEL, Rubber (4.00 Inches)
2712-29245 WASHER, (.281 x .500 x .060) Stainless SteelWASHER, (.281 x .500 x .060) Stainless Steel
2810-59784 SCREW, (.250-10 x 1.00)SCREW, (.250-10 x 1.00)
2913-35048 LOCKWASHER, (.375)LOCKWASHER, (.375)
3084-79147A09 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, With Packard Connector
(Includes Fuse and Cover)HARNESS ASSEMBLY, With Packard Connector
(Includes Fuse and Cover) -
3184-865770A02 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, Adaptor - Molded 3 Pin Female To Packard 3 Pin FemaleHARNESS ASSEMBLY, Adaptor - Molded 3 Pin Female To Packard 3 Pin Female
3284-865771A02 HARNESS ASSEMBLY, Adaptor - Molded 3 Pin Male To Packard 3 Pin MaleHARNESS ASSEMBLY, Adaptor - Molded 3 Pin Male To Packard 3 Pin Male
338M8025133 ADAPTOR KIT, Transient Voltage SuppressorADAPTOR KIT, Transient Voltage Suppressor
Все узлы модели:
- Bell Housing
- Compact Hydralic Steering Actuator
- Continuity Kit
- Decal Sets
- Driveshaft Extension Kit, QSB 5.9L
- Driveshaft Housing and Drive Gears
- Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering Kit
- Gear Housing(Brave One)
- Gear Housing(Bravo Three)
- Gear Housing(Bravo Two)
- Gear Lube Monitor Components
- Gimbal Housing
- Gimbal Housing Cover
- Gimbal Ring and Steering Lever
- Gimbal Ring and Steering Lever, AXIUS Gen I
- Mercathode Kit
- Power Steering Actuator
- Service and Support Material
- Special Tools-Driveshaft Housing
- Special Tools-Gear Housing(BRAVO ONE)
- Special Tools-Gear Housing(BRAVO THREE)
- Special Tools-Gear Housing(BRAVO TWO)
- Special Tools-Transom
- Steering Actuator, Axius (Gen II)
- Steering Actuator, Axius (Gen I), Sensors Screw In
- Steering Actuator, Axius (Gen I), Sensors w/ E-Clip/End Cap
- Sterndrive Unit Chart, Bravo I-II-III X (Diesel)
- Sterndrive Unit Chart, Bravo I-II-III X (Gasoline)
- Transom Assembly Chart
- Transom Plate and Shift Cable
- Trim Cylinder Components
- Trim Cylinders and Hydraulic Hoses(Standard Transoms)
- Trim Pump and Motor Components
- • Trim Pump Assembly(Complete)
- Universal Joint and Shift Components