Throttle and Shift Linkage(Side Shift) для Mercury - 20 (2 CYL.) 9807909 THRU 0P016999

28236103 LEVER, Interlock Control
(20/25)LEVER, Interlock Control
(20/25) -
28236103 LEVER, Interlock Control
(Jet 20) SN# 0G157846 & UpLEVER, Interlock Control
(Jet 20) SN# 0G157846 & Up -
2827371 LEVER
(Jet 20) SN# 0G157845 & BelowLEVER
(Jet 20) SN# 0G157845 & Below -
310-4000330 SCREW, (M6 x 25)SCREW, (M6 x 25)
412-69056 WASHER, (.255 x .620 x .030) Stainless SteelWASHER, (.255 x .620 x .030) Stainless Steel
6823862 LEVER, Backplate
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)LEVER, Backplate
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
724-826077 SPRING, Detent
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)SPRING, Detent
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
8824994 SPRING, Plate
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)SPRING, Plate
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
910-40011107 SCREW, (M5 x 16) Stainless Steel
((Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)SCREW, (M5 x 16) Stainless Steel
((Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
108238632 LEVER, Horizontal Shift Shaft (PORT)
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)LEVER, Horizontal Shift Shaft (PORT)
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)SHIFT SHAFT (HORIZONTAL)
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
128239521 SHIFT HANDLE
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)SHIFT HANDLE
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
1310-40019108 SCREW, (M5 x 20)
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)SCREW, (M5 x 20)
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
1412-4002314 WASHER
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below)WASHER
(Not used on Jet 20 Serial Number 0G157845 and Below) -
158237571 CAM, Throttle
20 JETCAM, Throttle
20 JET -
158237571 CAM, Throttle
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & BelowCAM, Throttle
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & Below -
1612-69056 WASHER, (.255 x .620 x .030) Stainless Steel
20 JETWASHER, (.255 x .620 x .030) Stainless Steel
20 JET -
1612-69056 WASHER, (.255 x .620 x .030) Stainless Steel
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & BelowWASHER, (.255 x .620 x .030) Stainless Steel
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & Below -
17823857A1 LINK ASSEMBLY, Spark Adjustment
20 JETLINK ASSEMBLY, Spark Adjustment
20 JET -
17823857A1 LINK ASSEMBLY, Spark Adjustment
20/25 SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & BelowLINK ASSEMBLY, Spark Adjustment
20/25 SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & Below -
18817428 SOCKET
20 JET -
18817428 SOCKET
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & BelowSOCKET
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & Below -
1911-45076 NUT, (#10-32) Brass
20 JETNUT, (#10-32) Brass
20 JET -
1911-45076 NUT, (#10-32) Brass
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & BelowNUT, (#10-32) Brass
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & Below -
208237581 BRACKET, Cable Anchor
20 JETBRACKET, Cable Anchor
20 JET -
208237581 BRACKET, Cable Anchor
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & BelowBRACKET, Cable Anchor
(20/25) SN# USA-0G437999/BEL-9926999 & Below -
208237582 BRACKET, Cable Anchor
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & UpBRACKET, Cable Anchor
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & Up -
2112-65567 WASHER, (.265 x .750 x .048) Stainless Steel
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & UpWASHER, (.265 x .750 x .048) Stainless Steel
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & Up -
2213-99611 WAVE WASHER
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & UpWAVE WASHER
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & Up -
238319781 CAM, Throttle
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & UpCAM, Throttle
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & Up -
2424-42164 SPRING
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & UpSPRING
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & Up -
25888191 SPARK ARM
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & UpSPARK ARM
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & Up -
268327471 TIMING LINK
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & UpTIMING LINK
(20/25) SN# USA-0G438000/BEL-9927000 & Up -
2710-4000330 SCREW, (M6 x 25)SCREW, (M6 x 25)
2910-4006731 SCREW, (M6 x 16) Stainless SteelSCREW, (M6 x 16) Stainless Steel
Все узлы модели:
- Accessories
- Bottom Cowl
- Carburetor(20/25/JET 20)
- Carburetor(SeaPro/Marathon 15/25 & Super 15)
- Clamp Bracket Assembly
- Crankshaft, Pistons and Flywheel
- Cylinder Block and Covers
- Driveshaft Housing Assembly
- Electric Start Components
- Fuel Stystem Components
- Fuel System Components(Commercial Engines)
- Gear Housing(Driveshaft)(2.25:1 Gear Ratio)
- Gear Housing, Propeller Shaft - 2.25:1 Gear Ratio
- Ignition/Electrical Components
- Jet Linkage(S/N 0G157845 & Below)
- Jet Linkage(S/N 0G157846 & Up)
- Jet Pump Assembly(S/N 0G157845 & Below)
- Jet Pump Assembly(S/N 0G157846 & Up)
- Jet Water Pump Components
- Service/Support Material
- Starter Assembly(Manual)
- Swivel Bracket Assembly
- Throttle and Shift Linkage(Remote Control)
- • Throttle and Shift Linkage(Side Shift)
- Throttle and Shift Linkage(Tiller Handle Shift)
- Tiller Handle Assembly
- Tools, Special
- Top Cowl