Trim Cylinders and Hoses(Electric Handle) для Mercury - 45 (4 CYL.) 9466692 & Up
(Black) -
(Gray) -
222-74036 FITTING, Grease, Trim CylinderFITTING, Grease, Trim Cylinder
310-45265 SCREW, (#10-32 x .3125), BleedSCREW, (#10-32 x .3125), Bleed
425-45016 O-RING, Bleed ScrewO-RING, Bleed Screw
510-92050 SCREW, (.500-20 x 1.500), Trim Cylinder
(1.50 Inch)SCREW, (.500-20 x 1.500), Trim Cylinder
(1.50 Inch) -
612-28421 WASHER, (1.5 x 3.05 x 0.13) Stainless Steel, Trim Cylinder BoltWASHER, (1.5 x 3.05 x 0.13) Stainless Steel, Trim Cylinder Bolt
723-45280 SPACER, Trim Cylinder - LowerSPACER, Trim Cylinder - Lower
823-94907A1 BUSHING, Rubber - Trim CylinderBUSHING, Rubber - Trim Cylinder
989108A3 BRACKET, Trim Cylinder
(Port)BRACKET, Trim Cylinder
(Port) -
1026-70608 SEAL, Oil, Port BracketSEAL, Oil, Port Bracket
1189290 PLUNGER, Limit Switch ActuatingPLUNGER, Limit Switch Actuating
1224-95881 SPRING, Tension - Limit Switch PlungerSPRING, Tension - Limit Switch Plunger
1316-45282 STUD, (.312-24 x 16.620), Mounting BracketSTUD, (.312-24 x 16.620), Mounting Bracket
1413-26993 LOCKWASHER, (.312), Mounting Bracket StudLOCKWASHER, (.312), Mounting Bracket Stud
1511-28770 NUT, (.312-24) Stainless Steel, Mounting Bracket StudNUT, (.312-24) Stainless Steel, Mounting Bracket Stud
1710-68298 BOLT, (.375-16 x 3.250), Mounting Bracket to Transom
(3.25 Inch)BOLT, (.375-16 x 3.250), Mounting Bracket to Transom
(3.25 Inch) -
1710-89673 SCREW, (.375-16 x 5.00), Mounting Bracket to Transom
(5.00 Inch)SCREW, (.375-16 x 5.00), Mounting Bracket to Transom
(5.00 Inch) -
1812-46765 WASHER, Mounting Bracket BoltWASHER, Mounting Bracket Bolt
1911-82671112 NUT, Mounting Bracket BoltNUT, Mounting Bracket Bolt
2089111T BRACKET, Trim Cylinder
(Starboard)BRACKET, Trim Cylinder
(Starboard) -
2110-45328 SCREW, (.437-20 x 3.560), Trim Cylinder to Mounting Bracket
(3.563 Inch)SCREW, (.437-20 x 3.560), Trim Cylinder to Mounting Bracket
(3.563 Inch) -
2212-37807 WASHER, Trim Cylinder Screw
(Starboard Only)WASHER, Trim Cylinder Screw
(Starboard Only) -
2311-35053 NUT, (.437-20), Trim Cylinder ScrewNUT, (.437-20), Trim Cylinder Screw
2424-24390 SPRING, Tension - Adjusting StudSPRING, Tension - Adjusting Stud
2516-8M0034461 STUD, (#10-32 x .930), Adjusting - Cut - Out Limit SwitchSTUD, (#10-32 x .930), Adjusting - Cut - Out Limit Switch
2611-859124 NUT, (#10-32) Stainless Steel, Jam - Limit Switch Adjusting StudNUT, (#10-32) Stainless Steel, Jam - Limit Switch Adjusting Stud
2799897 CAM, Limit Switch Adjusting StudCAM, Limit Switch Adjusting Stud
2886967 PLATE, Retaining - Limit Switch CamPLATE, Retaining - Limit Switch Cam
2910-68513 SCREW, (#10-32 x .375) Stainless Steel, Retaining Plate and CamSCREW, (#10-32 x .375) Stainless Steel, Retaining Plate and Cam
3013-26996 LOCKWASHER, (#10) Stainless Steel, Retaining Plate and Cam ScrewLOCKWASHER, (#10) Stainless Steel, Retaining Plate and Cam Screw
3145326A2 SWITCH ASSEMBLY, Cut - Out LimitSWITCH ASSEMBLY, Cut - Out Limit
3223-45354 BUSHING, Rubber - Cut- Out Limit SwitchBUSHING, Rubber - Cut- Out Limit Switch
3310-47255 SCREW, (#4-40 x .625), Cut - Out Limit Switch
(0.563 Inch)SCREW, (#4-40 x .625), Cut - Out Limit Switch
(0.563 Inch) -
3489272 COVER, Limit SwitchCOVER, Limit Switch
3527-892731 GASKET, Limit Switch CoverGASKET, Limit Switch Cover
3610-34994 SCREW, (#10-32 x 1.00) Stainless Steel, Limit Switch Cover
(0.438 Inch)SCREW, (#10-32 x 1.00) Stainless Steel, Limit Switch Cover
(0.438 Inch) -
3712-38833 WASHER, Limit Switch Cover ScrewWASHER, Limit Switch Cover Screw
3887774A1 COVER, Inlet - TransomCOVER, Inlet - Transom
3927-87775 GASKET, Inlet CoverGASKET, Inlet Cover
4025-45507 GROMMET, Rubber - Inlet CoverGROMMET, Rubber - Inlet Cover
4110-36070 SCREW, (#10-32 x 1.250), Inlet Cover to BoatSCREW, (#10-32 x 1.250), Inlet Cover to Boat
4213-26996 LOCKWASHER, (#10) Stainless Steel, Inlet Cover ScrewLOCKWASHER, (#10) Stainless Steel, Inlet Cover Screw
4311-68219 NUT, (#10-32) Stainless Steel, Inlet Cover ScrewNUT, (#10-32) Stainless Steel, Inlet Cover Screw
4432-88005 HOSE, Trim - Cylinder to Control Valve
(5.375 Feet O.D.)HOSE, Trim - Cylinder to Control Valve
(5.375 Feet O.D.) -
4532-88006 HOSE, Lift - Cylinder to Control Valve
(5.321 Feet O.D.)HOSE, Lift - Cylinder to Control Valve
(5.321 Feet O.D.) -
4623-35977 GROMMET, Rubber
(0.375 Inch I.D. - 1 Inch Long)GROMMET, Rubber
(0.375 Inch I.D. - 1 Inch Long) -
4623-35977 GROMMET, Rubber
(0.375 Inch I.D. - 0.875 Inch Long)GROMMET, Rubber
(0.375 Inch I.D. - 0.875 Inch Long) -
4625-12602002 GROMMET, Rubber
(0.375 Inch I.D. - 0.875 Inch Long)GROMMET, Rubber
(0.375 Inch I.D. - 0.875 Inch Long) -
4998878 PIN, Mounting TubePIN, Mounting Tube
5063473 TUBE, CushionTUBE, Cushion
5118-328571 COTTER PIN, Mounting Tub PinCOTTER PIN, Mounting Tub Pin
5218-45882 COTTER PIN, Tilt Pin RetainingCOTTER PIN, Tilt Pin Retaining
5423-59623 SPACER, Mounting BracketSPACER, Mounting Bracket
Все узлы модели:
- Auto-Blend
- Bottom Cowl and Support Brackets
- Carburetor Assembly
- Carburetor Linkage/Choke Solenoid
- Clamp Bracket Assembly(Non Power Trim)
- Cowling
- Crankshaft, Pistons, and Connecting Rods
- Cylinder Block and Crankcase Assembly
- Driveshaft Housing Assembly
- Electric Components
- End Caps and Exhaust Cover
- Exhaust Plate and Shift Linkage
- Flywheel, Ignition Coil and Switch Box
- Fuel Pump
- Gear Housing(Driveshaft)
- Gear Housing, Propeller Shaft
- Hydraulic Pump Assembly(Electric Handle)
- Miscellaneous Parts/Accessories
- Mounting Hardware(Electric Handle)
- Power Trim Components
- Power Trim Components(Electric Handle)
- Power Trim Cylinder Repair Kits(Electric Handle)
- Power Trim Pump(Eaton Rectangular Motor)
- Starter Motor Assembly
- Starter Rewind
- Steering Handle Assembly
- Swivel Bracket and Reverse Lock(Non Power Trim)
- Swivel Bracket and Steering Arm
- Throttle Control Linkage
- Transom Bracket(Power Trim)
- • Trim Cylinders and Hoses(Electric Handle)