PCM Mounting, Serial Number 1B490866 and Up для Mercury - V-135 DFI (2.5L) 1B417702 & Up

189790626T PCM, Propulsion Control Module (135)PCM, Propulsion Control Module (135)
189790627T PCM, Propulsion Control Module (150)(Jet 110)PCM, Propulsion Control Module (150)(Jet 110)
189790628T PCM, Propulsion Control Module (175)PCM, Propulsion Control Module (175)
210-82130025 SCREW, (M6 x 25)SCREW, (M6 x 25)
312-65567 WASHER, (.265 x .750 x .048) Stainless SteelWASHER, (.265 x .750 x .048) Stainless Steel
654-891520001 CLIPCLIP
710-82129114 SCREW, (M6 x 14)SCREW, (M6 x 14)
810-82130012 SCREW, (M6 x 12)SCREW, (M6 x 12)
9830796A04 CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY, Weather Cap - MaleCONNECTOR ASSEMBLY, Weather Cap - Male
10877613A02 CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY, Weather Cap 6 PinCONNECTOR ASSEMBLY, Weather Cap 6 Pin
11830796A03 CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY, Weather Cap - 2 Pin Male
JetCONNECTOR ASSEMBLY, Weather Cap - 2 Pin Male
Все узлы модели:
- Accessories
- Air Compressor Components, SN 1B884880 and below
- Air Compressor Components, SN 1B884881 and up
- Air Handler Components
- Air Handler/Flywheel Cover
- Air Hoses
- Bottom Cowl
- Coil Plate Assembly, Serial Number 1B490865 and Below
- Coil Plate Assembly, Serial Number 1B490866 and Up
- Crankshaft, Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Cylinder Block and End Caps
- Cylinder Head
- Deck Oil Fill Kit, 15969A3 or 15969A5
- Driveshaft Housing and Exhaust Tube
- Dual Engine Tie Bar Kit
- Electrical Plate Assembly, Serial Number 1B490865 and Below
- Electrical Plate Assembly, Serial Number 1B490866 and Up
- Exhaust Manifold and Exhaust Plate
- Flywheel/Alternator
- Fuel Hoses
- Fuel Pump
- Fuel Rails
- Gasket Set Components-Complete-Powerhead and Lower Unit
- Gear Housing, Driveshaft - Standard/Counter Rotation
- Gear Housing, Propeller Shaft - Counter Rotation
- Gear Housing, Propeller Shaft - Standard Rotation
- Mercathode Kit
- Oil Injection Components
- Oil Lines
- • PCM Mounting, Serial Number 1B490866 and Up
- Power Trim Components
- Service/Support Material
- Starter Motor
- Swivel Bracket and Steering Arm
- Throttle Lever and Shift Shaft
- Tools
- Top Cowl
- Transom Brackets
- Vapor Separator Components
- Visual Warning Kit, 17334A2
- Water Hoses
- Water Pump Kit, Jet