05- Drive System, 550, 550RC для BRP Lynx Enduro 550 - 2005
1501027400 Drive axleDrive axle
2504151781 Sprocket 9 teethSprocket 9 teeth
3504151782 Half sprocket 9 teethHalf sprocket 9 teeth
4504151918 Oil sealOil seal
531001 CirclipCirclip
6504152009 Ball bearingBall bearing
7501017400 ProtectorProtector
81472038 Track ass'y(30). Includes 8 to 10Track ass'y(30). Includes 8 to 10
95318330 Guide cleatGuide cleat
105318329 CleatCleat
11504151860 Bearing housingBearing housing
1234011 Grease fittingGrease fitting
13414784800 KorkKork
14501025000 FlangeFlange
15504151836 FlangeFlange
16517290100 Cable protectorCable protector
17293550033 Synthetic greaseSynthetic grease
1833011 Elastic stop nut M8Elastic stop nut M8
19501026300 Clutch shaftClutch shaft
20504149100 Spacer. Enduro 550_Enduro 550R.C.Spacer. Enduro 550_Enduro 550R.C.
21080044200 Casting SpacerCasting Spacer
22504152026 Ball bearingBall bearing
2340344 Socket head screw M8 x 25Socket head screw M8 x 25
2420004 Washer A8,4Washer A8,4
2540190 Hex, screw M10 x 80Hex, screw M10 x 80
26504083800 SpacerSpacer
27504073700 ShimShim
28504152064 ChaincaseChaincase
2920005 Washer A10,5Washer A10,5
3033012 Elastic stop nut M10Elastic stop nut M10
31293800060 Loctite 243, 10mlLoctite 243, 10ml
32732601314 Screw adjustingScrew adjusting
33414484400 O-ringO-ring
34504151951 Chain tensionerChain tensioner
35504080200 SleeveSleeve
36504080300 WasherWasher
37405403000 Needle bearingNeedle bearing
38414531300 RollerRoller
39732601144 ScrewScrew
40293800005 Loctite 271, 10mlLoctite 271, 10ml
41415049300 SealSeal
42507031500 SleeveSleeve
43371901700 CirclipCirclip
44414876700 O-ringO-ring
45504152006 Ball bearingBall bearing
46504147200 ShimShim
47504152030 Sprocket Z19Sprocket Z19
48250000012 Nut M20Nut M20
4941003 PinPin
50504151830 Chain 13/72. Enduro 550_Enduro 550 R.C.Chain 13/72. Enduro 550_Enduro 550 R.C.
51504148500 Sprocket Z43. Enduro 550_Enduro 550 R.C.Sprocket Z43. Enduro 550_Enduro 550 R.C.
52415064300 CirclipCirclip
53415046400 SealSeal
54504152027 CoverCover
5540040 Hex. screw M10 x 25Hex. screw M10 x 25
5620068 Lock washerLock washer
5740340 Socket head screw M6 x 30Socket head screw M6 x 30
58504151703 Filler cap ass'yFiller cap ass'y
59414969400 O-ringO-ring
60413803300 Synt. chaincase oil (12 x 355ml)Synt. chaincase oil (12 x 355ml)
61414575600 PinPin
62504151921 PlugPlug
63501022400 SleeveSleeve
64504152005 Ball bearingBall bearing
65501021800 SleeveSleeve
66293800070 Loctite 767, 8ozLoctite 767, 8oz
Все узлы модели:
- 01- Crankcase 552
- 01- Crankshaft And Pistons 552
- 01- Cylinder And Cylinder Head 552
- 01- Engine And Engine Support, 550, 550RC
- 01- Exhaust System, 550, 550RC
- 01- Fan, 550, 550RC
- 01- Ignition, 550, 550RC
- 02- Air Silencer, 550, 550RC
- 02- Carburetor, 550, 550RC
- 02- Fuel System, 550, 550RC
- 02- Oil Pump, 550, 550RC
- 02- Oil Reservoir
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Drive Pulley 552
- • 05- Drive System, 550, 550RC
- 05- Driven pulley, 550, 550RC
- 05- Pulley System, 550, 550RC
- 06- Brake
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski, 550
- 07- Steering System
- 07- Take Apart Shock Rear
- 08- Rear Suspension, 550
- 09- Bottom Pan, 550, 550RC
- 09- Decals, 550
- 09- Frame
- 09- Frame, 550, 550RC
- 09- Hood, 550
- 09- Seat
- 09- Utilities
- 10- Electrical Acessories
- 10- Steering Harness