10- Electrical - Main Harness - 710005404 - North America для BRP 001 - RYKER STD 600 ACE - 2019
1710006898 Main HarnessMain Harness
ACC278002856 Housing JAE, 2 CircuitsHousing JAE, 2 Circuits
ACC278002857 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
BAT(+)710000393 Protector CapProtector Cap
BFS515178018 Terminal FemaleTerminal Female
BFS710005827 Connector 2 Pins with CPAConnector 2 Pins with CPA
BLS278003535 Female Housing, 4 circuitsFemale Housing, 4 circuits
BLS515178573 Terminal FemaleTerminal Female
BLS710000393 Protector CapProtector Cap
CF278000217 Female Housing, 2 CircuitsFemale Housing, 2 Circuits
CF278000222 Male TerminalMale Terminal
CF278001065 Wire SealWire Seal
CH_GND278000992 Open BarrelOpen Barrel
CL278002858 Female Housing, 20 CircuitsFemale Housing, 20 Circuits
CL278002860 Sealing CapSealing Cap
CL515178018 Terminal FemaleTerminal Female
DLC1710002705 LockLock
DLC1710002706 Female Housing, 6 CircuitsFemale Housing, 6 Circuits
DLC1710005438 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
DLC1710005439 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
ECMB710001588 Female Terminal Housing, 48 CircuitsFemale Terminal Housing, 48 Circuits
ECMB710001589 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
ECMB710001590 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
ECMB710001591 Cover, 48 positionsCover, 48 positions
ECMB710001592 PlugPlug
ECMB710001593 PlugPlug
ECMB710001727 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
ENG_GND710006288 Ring Terminal M6 x 45° Wire # 8Ring Terminal M6 x 45° Wire # 8
F1710000743 Little Fuse, 7.5 AmperesLittle Fuse, 7.5 Amperes
F2710000745 Little Fuse, 15 AmperesLittle Fuse, 15 Amperes
F3710000742 Little Fuse, 5 AmperesLittle Fuse, 5 Amperes
F4710000745 Little Fuse, 15 AmperesLittle Fuse, 15 Amperes
F5710000746 Little Fuse, 20 AmperesLittle Fuse, 20 Amperes
F7710000744 Little Fuse, 10 AmperesLittle Fuse, 10 Amperes
F8710000745 Little Fuse, 15 AmperesLittle Fuse, 15 Amperes
FB278000218 Wire SealWire Seal
FB278001065 Wire SealWire Seal
FB278002578 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
FB278002880 Seal PlugSeal Plug
FB710000918 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
FB710001630 TerminalTerminal
FB710001631 CapCap
FB710001905 Terminal JointTerminal Joint
FB710001906 TerminalTerminal
FB710003133 Seal JointSeal Joint
FB710003134 Seal JointSeal Joint
FB710003135 M TerminalM Terminal
FB710005623 Fusebox AssemblyFusebox Assembly
FB_C710000743 Little Fuse, 7.5 AmperesLittle Fuse, 7.5 Amperes
FB_C710000744 Little Fuse, 10 AmperesLittle Fuse, 10 Amperes
FB_C710000745 Little Fuse, 15 AmperesLittle Fuse, 15 Amperes
FB_C710000746 Little Fuse, 20 AmperesLittle Fuse, 20 Amperes
FB_C710000837 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
FB_C710004120 CoverCover
FLF278002857 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
FLF515178538 Female Housing, 3 CircuitsFemale Housing, 3 Circuits
FP278001013 Wire SealWire Seal
FP278001014 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
FP515175504 Ring TerminalRing Terminal
FP515176774 Relay, 30 AMPRelay, 30 AMP
FP710001340 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
FP_GND515176621 Wire SealWire Seal
FP_GND515177441 Female HousingFemale Housing
FRF278002857 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
FRF515178572 Terminal FemaleTerminal Female
HIC278002860 Sealing CapSealing Cap
HIC409010300 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
HIC515178015 12 Circuits Male Housing12 Circuits Male Housing
HIC515178018 Terminal FemaleTerminal Female
HN409010300 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
HO2S1278001482 SealSeal
HO2S1710002033 Connector HolderConnector Holder
HO2S1710002466 HousingHousing
HO2S1710002597 Gold TerminalGold Terminal
J1710001047 Fuse, 40 AMPFuse, 40 AMP
J2710001046 Fuse, 25 AMPFuse, 25 AMP
J4710001200 Fuse 30 amp.Fuse 30 amp.
J5710001048 Fuse, 50 AMPFuse, 50 AMP
LHL515177217 LockLock
LHL710004010 Female HousingFemale Housing
MSL278002860 Sealing CapSealing Cap
MSL515178013 Male TerminalMale Terminal
MSL515178018 Terminal FemaleTerminal Female
MSR515178013 Male TerminalMale Terminal
MSR515178348 Female Terminal 18-20 AWGFemale Terminal 18-20 AWG
PGV278001481 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
PGV278001482 SealSeal
PGV710005327 Female Housing 2 WayFemale Housing 2 Way
PL409010300 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
PRS515178347 Male Housing Connector 4 PinsMale Housing Connector 4 Pins
PRS710005827 Connector 2 Pins with CPAConnector 2 Pins with CPA
REG278003535 Female Housing, 4 circuitsFemale Housing, 4 circuits
REG710000879 Female Housing, 3 CircuitsFemale Housing, 3 Circuits
REG710000881 SealSeal
RFID710001161 HousingHousing
RFID710001163 Wire SealWire Seal
RFID710001164 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
RHL515177246 Shrink Tubing, 6 mmShrink Tubing, 6 mm
RHL710004010 Female HousingFemale Housing
RLFL278002857 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
RLFL515177441 Female HousingFemale Housing
RRFL278002857 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
RRFL515178013 Male TerminalMale Terminal
RY1515177192 Female Housing, 2 CircuitsFemale Housing, 2 Circuits
RY2710001778 RelayRelay
RY3710001778 RelayRelay
SAS710001118 Wire SealWire Seal
SAS710001938 PlugPlug
SAS710003731 HousingHousing
SAS710003862 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
STS515177217 LockLock
STS710000926 SealSeal
STS710001164 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
STS(+)710000742 Little Fuse, 5 AmperesLittle Fuse, 5 Amperes
STS(+)710006288 Ring Terminal M6 x 45° Wire # 8Ring Terminal M6 x 45° Wire # 8
TAS278002906 Male Housing, 6 CircuitsMale Housing, 6 Circuits
TAS515178014 Terminal FemaleTerminal Female
USB409209700 Female Housing, 4 CircuitsFemale Housing, 4 Circuits
VCM278000999 Wire SealWire Seal
VCM710000877 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
VCM710001159 Wire SealWire Seal
VCM710001258 PlugPlug
VCM710002768 HousingHousing
VCM710002773 TerminalTerminal
VCM710002775 TerminalTerminal
VCM710005425 Connector Cover, 90 DegreeConnector Cover, 90 Degree
VCM710006230 Wire SealWire Seal
VSS1515178348 Female Terminal 18-20 AWGFemale Terminal 18-20 AWG
VSS1710005669 Connector 2 PinsConnector 2 Pins
VSS1710005689 SealSeal
VSS2515178348 Female Terminal 18-20 AWGFemale Terminal 18-20 AWG
VSS2710005669 Connector 2 PinsConnector 2 Pins
VSS2710005689 SealSeal
VSS3515178348 Female Terminal 18-20 AWGFemale Terminal 18-20 AWG
VSS3710005669 Connector 2 PinsConnector 2 Pins
VSS3710005689 SealSeal
YRS710001118 Wire SealWire Seal
YRS710003730 HousingHousing
YRS710003862 Female TerminalFemale Terminal
Все узлы модели:
- 00- Model Numbers
- 01- Cooling - Engine - 600 ACE
- 01- Cooling - Vehicle
- 01- Engine - Crankcase - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Crankshaft And Pistons - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Cylinder Head - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Exhaust - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Lubrication - Oil Pump - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Lubrication - System - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Magneto / Electric Starter - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Support - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Valve Cover - 600 ACE
- 01- Engine - Valve Train - 600 ACE
- 02- Air Intake - CVT - Air Filter / Air Box
- 02- Air Intake - Engine - Air Filter / Air Box
- 02- Air Intake - Manifold / Throttle Body - 600 ACE
- 02- Fuel - System
- 05- Gearbox - Components - 600 ACE
- 05- Gearbox - Housing - 600 ACE
- 05- Transmission - CVT Cover - 600 ACE
- 05- Transmission - CVT Pulleys - 600 ACE
- 06- Brake - Front
- 06- Brake - Master Cylinder / Pedal / Footpegs
- 06- Brake - Rear
- 07- Steering - Column / Tie Rods / Knuckles
- 07- Steering - Front Wheels
- 07- Steering - Handlebar / Cluster Support
- 07- Suspension - Front - A-Arms / Shocks
- 08- Drive System, Rear Drive Shaft & Final Drive + Wheel + Tire
- 08- Suspension - Rear - Swing Arm / Shock / Fender
- 09- Body - Conformity Kit - Australia
- 09- Body - Conformity Kit - Japan
- 09- Body - Conformity Kit - Russia
- 09- Body - Driver Seat / Upper Body Module
- 09- Body - Fairing Kit
- 09- Body - Front Fender LH
- 09- Body - Front Fender RH
- 09- Body - Side Panels
- 09- Body And Accessories_ Hood - Grill - Upper Body
- 09- Decals
- 09- Frame - System
- 10- Electrical - Engine Harness / Electronic Module - 600 ACE
- 10- Electrical - Headlights
- • 10- Electrical - Main Harness - 710005404 - North America
- 10- Electrical - Main Harness - 710005793 - International
- 10- Electrical - Speed Sensor / Steering Position Sensor
- 10- Electrical - System
- 10- Electrical - Taillights