02- Fuel - EVAP для BRP 001 - Maverick Trail 800 - North America - 2020
10709000815 Fuel Tank Ass'y. Includes 10 to 10aFuel Tank Ass'y. Includes 10 to 10a
10a250100062 Special Nut M130Special Nut M130
20293250173 GasketGasket
30709001056 Fuel Pump. Includes 30 to 30bFuel Pump. Includes 30 to 30b
30a270600113 Fuel FilterFuel Filter
30b715900424 Fuel SenderFuel Sender
40709000828 Fil Neck HoseFil Neck Hose
50293650081 Norma ClampNorma Clamp
70709000867 Filler NeckFiller Neck
80211100012 Filler Neck Nut, FuelFiller Neck Nut, Fuel
90709000868 Fuel CapFuel Cap
130709000997 Tank BracketTank Bracket
140207661644 Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 16Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 16
150207662554 Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 25Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 25
160233261466 Hex. Flanged Elastic Nut M6Hex. Flanged Elastic Nut M6
165293900135 SpacerSpacer
170250200029 Washer M6Washer M6
200a709000516 Fuel LineFuel Line
210293710136 Y-Fitting, 5/16''Y-Fitting, 5/16''
220a709000516 Fuel LineFuel Line
230a709000516 Fuel LineFuel Line
235a415080000 Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)
250a415080000 Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)
300293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
310293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
320293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
330293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
340293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
350293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
400275500700 Quick Attach 90°Quick Attach 90°
410275500700 Quick Attach 90°Quick Attach 90°
420275500921 Quick DisconnectQuick Disconnect
535293650042 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
540a709000667 HoseHose
545293710059 Y-FittingY-Fitting
550a709000667 HoseHose
555293650042 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
560513033469 Check ValveCheck Valve
565275500398 Check ValveCheck Valve
570a709000667 HoseHose
575293650042 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
580293710059 Y-FittingY-Fitting
585293650042 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
800a709000879 Formed HoseFormed Hose
800b293650186 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
800c709000524 Air FilterAir Filter
800d293650186 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
800e709000957 Formed HoseFormed Hose
800f293650053 Crimp ClampCrimp Clamp
800g709000806 Vapor CanisterVapor Canister
800h709000851 Canister SupportCanister Support
800j293650054 Tridon ClampTridon Clamp
800k232561600 Hex. Elastic Stop Nut M6Hex. Elastic Stop Nut M6
800m709000936 SupportSupport
800n250000712 Torx Screw M6 X 20Torx Screw M6 X 20
800p293650042 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
800q709000853 Formed HoseFormed Hose
800r293650046 Oetiker ClampOetiker Clamp
800s513033719 FilterFilter
800t293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
800u709000857 Formed HoseFormed Hose
800w293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
800x709000443 Bleed ValveBleed Valve
800y293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
800z709000881 Formed HoseFormed Hose
800aa293650053 Crimp ClampCrimp Clamp
800ab275500941 Valve-CheckValve-Check
800ac293650053 Crimp ClampCrimp Clamp
800ad709000882 HoseHose
800ae293650053 Crimp ClampCrimp Clamp
800af709000933 Flow ReducerFlow Reducer
800ag293650047 Crimp Clamp, 15.3-706RCrimp Clamp, 15.3-706R
800ah709000883 Formed Hose. Includes 800ah to 800ajFormed Hose. Includes 800ah to 800aj
800aj415080000 Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)
800am293650046 Oetiker Clamp. Includes 800am to 800apOetiker Clamp. Includes 800am to 800ap
800an709000667 HoseHose
800ap415080000 Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)Tubing 16 mm (1 meter pac)
800ar710005866 Extension Wiring HarnessExtension Wiring Harness
820709000935 Filter SupportFilter Support
825234062670 Flat Washer, StainlessFlat Washer, Stainless
830207662054 Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 20Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 20
860207662054 Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 20Hex. Flanged Screw M6 X 20
870250200162 Flat Washer M6.6 X 22Flat Washer M6.6 X 22
Все узлы модели:
- 00- Model Numbers
- 01- Cooling - System
- 01- Crankcase
- 01- Crankshaft, Piston And Cylinder
- 01- Cylinder Head, Front
- 01- Cylinder Head, Rear
- 01- Engine
- 01- Engine Cooling
- 01- Engine Lubrication
- 01- Exhaust
- 02- Air Intake
- 02- Air Intake Manifold And Throttle Body
- • 02- Fuel - EVAP
- 02- Fuel - NO EVAP - BASE
- 02- Fuel - NO EVAP - DPS
- 03- Magneto And Electric Starter
- 05- Gear Box 1
- 05- Gear Box 2 - 795
- 05- Gear Box And Components - 795
- 05- Transmission
- 06- Brakes
- 07- Front Drive - Common Parts
- 07- Front Drive - Differential Parts
- 07- Front Suspension
- 07- Shocks - BASE
- 07- Shocks - DPS
- 07- Steering
- 08- Drive Shaft
- 08- Rear Drive - Common Parts
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 08- Wheels - BASE
- 08- Wheels - DPS
- 09- Body - Front Section - Red
- 09- Body - Front Section - White
- 09- Body - Rear Section - Red
- 09- Body - Rear Section - White
- 09- Cab Interior - Back Wall Section
- 09- Cab Interior - Console
- 09- Cab Interior - Dashboard
- 09- Cab Interior - Fire Wall Section
- 09- Cab Interior - Floor Section
- 09- Decals - BASE
- 09- Decals - DPS
- 09- Frame
- 09- Seat
- 10- Electrical System
- 10- Engine Harness And Electronic Module
- 10- Main Harness - 710006747