09- Utilities - Package Sport для BRP Ski-Doo SUMMIT 800R P-TEK - 2016

1219400038 Form WarantyForm Waranty
2293150108 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
3293750002 Tie-Rap 142 mmTie-Rap 142 mm
4517124300 WasherWasher
5520000528 LatchLatch
6520000784 Snow GuardSnow Guard
7520001161 Red LH Rear ReflectorRed LH Rear Reflector
7520001162 Red RH Rear ReflectorRed RH Rear Reflector
8520000718 Yellow RH Front ReflectorYellow RH Front Reflector
8520000719 Yellow LH Front ReflectorYellow LH Front Reflector
10520001059 FoamFoam
11520000751 ReinforcementReinforcement
12520001061 FoamFoam
13520001062 FoamFoam
14520000829 Radiator Trim. V-146 ModelRadiator Trim. V-146 Model
14520000829 Radiator Trim. V-146 ModelRadiator Trim. V-146 Model
18520000842 Tool Kit RackTool Kit Rack
19520001559 Rear LightRear Light
23529000077 Tool KitTool Kit
24516006887 BRP Logo, 48 mmBRP Logo, 48 mm
25520000758 BulbBulb
26705003666 Rubber GrommetRubber Grommet
28516005591 Warning Decal, CargoWarning Decal, Cargo
30520001556 OPER GUIDE 16OPER GUIDE 16
37a529000004 Screw DriverScrew Driver
37b520001142 Spacing ToolSpacing Tool
37c529000002 Fork Wrench, 10/13 mmFork Wrench, 10/13 mm
37D529000046 Set Key, 16/21 mmSet Key, 16/21 mm
37e529000060 Starter GripStarter Grip
37f412500200 Starter Rope, MeterStarter Rope, Meter
37g520001499 WrenchWrench
#N/A520000991 DVD OwnerDVD Owner
Все узлы модели:
- 00- Model Numbers - 800R PTEK
- 01- 3D Rave - 800R PTEK
- 01- Cooling System - PTEK Engine
- 01- Crankcase, Water Pump and Oil Pump - 800R PTEK
- 01- Crankshaft and Pistons - 800R E-TEC
- 01- Cylinder and Cylinder Head - 800R PTEK
- 01- Engine - 800R PTEK
- 01- Exhaust - 800R PTEK
- 02- Air Intake - 800R PTEK
- 02- Fuel - 800R PTEK
- 02- Oil - 800R PTEK
- 03- Magneto - 800R PTEK
- 04- Rewind Starter - 800R PTEK
- 05- Drive - 800R PTEK
- 05- Pulley - 800R PTEK
- 06- Brakes - Package Sport
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski - All Models
- 07- Steering - 800R PTEK
- 08- Rear Suspension - All Models
- 09- Bottom Pan - Package Sport
- 09- Decals - Package Sport
- 09- Frame - Package Sport
- 09- Hood - Package Sport
- 09- Seat - All Models
- • 09- Utilities - Package Sport
- 10- Electrical Harness - 800R PTEK
- 10- Electrical System - 800R PTEK