Shift and Cam Rod, 0R505052 and Below для Mercury - 25 EFI (3 CYL.)(4-STROKE) 0R106999 & Up

1898103166 CAM, Component of Complete Gear HousingCAM, Component of Complete Gear Housing
28M0078869 ROD KIT, Cam - Short, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Design IIROD KIT, Cam - Short, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Design II -
28M0078865 ROD KIT, Cam - Long, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Design IIROD KIT, Cam - Long, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Design II -
323-16176007 BUSHING, Component of Complete Gear HousingBUSHING, Component of Complete Gear Housing
4898101377 JOINT, Shift Rod
Design IIJOINT, Shift Rod
Design II -
517-952189 PIN, DowelPIN, Dowel
617-16179 PIN, Component of Complete Gear HousingPIN, Component of Complete Gear Housing
725-161772 O-RING, Component of Complete Gear HousingO-RING, Component of Complete Gear Housing
825-161782 O-RING, Component of Complete Gear HousingO-RING, Component of Complete Gear Housing
910-8230427 BOLT, Component of Complete Gear HousingBOLT, Component of Complete Gear Housing
1012-953921 WASHER, Component of Complete Gear HousingWASHER, Component of Complete Gear Housing
1225-16823 GROMMET
Handle -
1410-8248324 BOLT
Handle -
1524-8M0138740 STOPPER, Shift Lever - Stainless Steel
HandleSTOPPER, Shift Lever - Stainless Steel
Handle -
16898101112 LEVER
Handle -
1710-823042 BOLT, Stainless SteelBOLT, Stainless Steel
18898101082 GEAR PLATE
Handle -
1910-823042 BOLT, Stainless Steel
HandleBOLT, Stainless Steel
Handle -
2024-813028003 SPRING
Handle -
21898103T16 SHIFT SHAFT
Handle -
2217-16085003 PIN
Handle -
2311-8537227 NUT, Nylon
HandleNUT, Nylon
Handle -
2412-16826 WASHER, Stainless Steel
HandleWASHER, Stainless Steel
Handle -
2523-895162001 COLLAR, Steel
HandleCOLLAR, Steel
Handle -
26895101400 GEAR, Drive
HandleGEAR, Drive
Handle -
27895161 GEAR, Driven
HandleGEAR, Driven
Handle -
28898101081 GEAR PLATE
Starboard - HandleGEAR PLATE
Starboard - Handle -
29895101401 DRUM, Throttle
HandleDRUM, Throttle
Handle -
3012-953921 WASHER
Use with 6mm Collar - Handle SN# 0R148895 & BelowWASHER
Use with 6mm Collar - Handle SN# 0R148895 & Below -
3012-953921 WASHER, Stainless Steel
Use with 6.3mm Collar - Handle SN# 0R148896 & UpWASHER, Stainless Steel
Use with 6.3mm Collar - Handle SN# 0R148896 & Up -
31898101203 OPENER, Throttle
HandleOPENER, Throttle
Handle -
3223-895126 COLLAR, (6 mm)
Handle SN# 0R148895 & BelowCOLLAR, (6 mm)
Handle SN# 0R148895 & Below -
3223-895126004 COLLAR, Stainless Steel (6.3 mm)
Handle SN# 0R148896 & UpCOLLAR, Stainless Steel (6.3 mm)
Handle SN# 0R148896 & Up -
3310-8M0102279 BOLT, Stainless Steel
HandleBOLT, Stainless Steel
Handle -
3425-898101166 GROMMET, Rubber
HandleGROMMET, Rubber
Handle -
35898101110 KNOB
Handle -
36898101109 JOINT
Handle -
37898103018 BRACKET, Shift Rod Lever
Starboard - Remote ControlBRACKET, Shift Rod Lever
Starboard - Remote Control -
3810-823042 BOLT, Stainless Steel
Remote ControlBOLT, Stainless Steel
Remote Control -
39898103T17 SHIFT SHAFT
Remote ControlSHIFT SHAFT
Remote Control -
40898101169 SHIFT ARM
Remote ControlSHIFT ARM
Remote Control -
4110-879194248 BOLT
Remote ControlBOLT
Remote Control -
4212-161404 WASHER
Remote ControlWASHER
Remote Control -
43803760006 ROD, Cam, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Short - Design IROD, Cam, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Short - Design I -
43803760007 ROD, Cam, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Long - Design IROD, Cam, Component of Complete Gear Housing
Long - Design I -
44898101173 JOINT, Shift Rod
Design IJOINT, Shift Rod
Design I -
-27-8M0089636 GASKET SET, GearcaseGASKET SET, Gearcase
Все узлы модели:
- Accessories
- Bottom Cowl
- Camshaft/Oil Pump
- Clamp Brackets, Manual
- Clamp Brackets, Power Trim and Gas Assist
- Conversion Kit-Electric Start, 889246A33
- Conversion Kit-Manual Start, 889246A34
- Conversion Kit-Tiller Handle, Electric - 879147A09
- Conversion Kit-Tiller Handle, Manual - 889246A71
- Crankshaft, Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Cylinder Block
- Cylinder Head
- Driveshaft Housing
- Electrical Bracket and Cover
- Flywheel, ECU and Wiring Harness
- Fuel Pump
- Fuel Rail and Vapor Separator Components
- Fuel Rail and Vapor Seperator
- Gear Housing, Driveshaft-1.92:1 Gear Ratio
- Gear Housing, Propeller Shaft -1.92:1 Gear Ratio
- Intake Manifold
- Intake/Exhaust Valves
- Jet Unit
- Jet Water Pump Components
- Power Trim/Tilt Components
- Powerhead Gasket Set Components
- Recoil Starter
- Service/Support Material
- • Shift and Cam Rod, 0R505052 and Below
- Shift and Cam Rod, 0R505053 and Up
- Shift and Cam Rod, Jet
- Shift Linkage, Jet-Remote Control
- Shift Linkage, Jet-Tiller Handle
- Starter Motor and Rectifier
- Starter Motor Components
- Swivel Bracket, Manual
- Throttle and Steering Linkage
- Tiller Handle
- Tiller Handle Conversion Kit, Electric - 8M0051062
- Tiller Handle Conversion Kit, Manual - 8M0051061
- Tools
- Top Cowl