10- Steering Harness для BRP Lynx Enduro 400RC - 2005
1515175657 HeaterHeater
242603 ConnectorConnector
339023 TubingTubing
427010 Tie-rap 98mmTie-rap 98mm
527100 Tie-rap 363mmTie-rap 363mm
65147106 Wiring harnessWiring harness
7515175696 Brake housingBrake housing
8414440800 Screw M8 x 10Screw M8 x 10
9515175814 Light switchLight switch
10250000022 ScrewScrew
11415025500 DecalDecal
12512059624 Throttle handleThrottle handle
13515175410 Switch killSwitch kill
Все узлы модели:
- 01- Crankcase 377
- 01- Crankshaft And Pistons 377
- 01- Cylinder And Cylinder Head 377
- 01- Engine And Engine Support, 400RC
- 01- Exhaust System, 400RC
- 01- Fan, 400RC
- 01- Ignition, 400RC
- 02- Air Silencer, 400RC
- 02- Carburetor, 400RC
- 02- Fuel System, 400RC
- 02- Oil Pump, 400RC
- 02- Oil Reservoir
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Drive Pulley 377
- 05- Drive System, 400RC
- 05- Driven pulley, 400RC
- 05- Pulley System, 400RC
- 06- Brake
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski, 400RC
- 07- Steering System
- 07- Take Apart Shock Rear
- 07- Take Apart Shock, Ski, 400RC
- 08- Rear Suspension, 400RC, 550RC
- 09- Bottom Pan, 400RC
- 09- Decals, 400RC
- 09- Frame
- 09- Frame, 400RC
- 09- Hood, 400RC
- 09- Seat
- 09- Utilities
- 10- Electrical Acessories
- • 10- Steering Harness