09- Windshield And Console для BRP Lynx Rave RE 800R E-TEC - 2012
1517304975 ConsoleConsole
2517302575 Console NutConsole Nut
3293150108 Pop Rivet 3/16”Pop Rivet 3/16”
4250100113 Panel Nut, M6 X 1.0Panel Nut, M6 X 1.0
7250000128 Torx Truss Screw M6 X 20Torx Truss Screw M6 X 20
10517304581 Gauge SupportGauge Support
12a517304293 WindshieldWindshield
12b860200089 Windshield Support KitWindshield Support Kit
12c732610072 Push NutPush Nut
13517303756 GrommetGrommet
14517303979 Headlamp cover REHeadlamp cover RE
15517304230 Support plate for consoleSupport plate for console
Все узлы модели:
- 01- 3D Rave
- 01- Cooling System
- 01- Crankcase And Water Pump
- 01- Crankshaft And Pistons
- 01- Cylinder And Injection System
- 01- Engine And Engine Support
- 01- Exhaust System
- 02- Air Intake System
- 02- Fuel System
- 02- Oil System
- 03- Magneto
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Drive System
- 05- Pulley System
- 06- Hydraulic Brakes
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski
- 07- Ski Shocks
- 07- Steering System
- 08- Rear Shocks
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 09- Bottom Pan
- 09- Decals
- 09- Frame
- 09- Frame And Components
- 09- Hood
- 09- Seat
- 09- Utilities
- • 09- Windshield And Console
- 10- Electrical Harness
- 10- Electrical System
- 10- Steering Wiring Harness