11- Accessories для BRP Lynx Rave Big Pipe X - 2000
15242372 Skiliner, blueSkiliner, blue
15242167 Skiliner, blackSkiliner, black
15242374 skiliner, yellowskiliner, yellow
25342688 Electric starter satsElectric starter sats
31312 Spray-paint, blackSpray-paint, black
45343351 Runner shoe, yellowRunner shoe, yellow
57820063 CoverCover
65343943 Hour Meter KitHour Meter Kit
75245043 Convertible Seat KitConvertible Seat Kit
85342093 Temperature Gauge KitTemperature Gauge Kit
9211216501 Mirror kitMirror kit
105245043 Convertible Seat KitConvertible Seat Kit
115342689 Reverse kitReverse kit
125143618 Windscreen, lowWindscreen, low
125144974 Windscreen, low, blackWindscreen, low, black
125143620 Windscreen, highWindscreen, high
135342325 Grid kitGrid kit
145342324 Ice KitIce Kit
155345050 Side Binding redSide Binding red
155345051 Side Binding yellowSide Binding yellow
155345052 Side Binding blackSide Binding black
165342815 Sway Bar Kit (d14)Sway Bar Kit (d14)
175145073 Bottom Protector, redBottom Protector, red
175145074 Bottom Protector, yellowBottom Protector, yellow
175145075 Bottom Protector, blueBottom Protector, blue
175145076 Bottom Protector, blackBottom Protector, black
185245490 Ski Leg, Case HardenedSki Leg, Case Hardened
195342710 Fuel gauge kitFuel gauge kit
205243680 Frame of Plastic Ski, redFrame of Plastic Ski, red
Все узлы модели:
- 01- Air Silencer
- 01- Crankshaft Assy
- 01- Cylinder
- 01- Engine Mount Plate
- 01- Muffler
- 01- Oil Pump
- 01- Oil Tank
- 01- Radiator, Hoses
- 02- Carburetor
- 02- Fuel Tank
- 03- Fly Wheel
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Chaincase
- 05- Clutch
- 05- Crankcase
- 05- Drive Axle
- 05- Driven Pulley
- 06- Brake Assy
- 07- Steering
- 08- Front Suspension
- 08- Front Suspension
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 09- Body
- 09- Decals
- 09- Frame
- 09- Hood
- 10- Electric
- • 11- Accessories
- 11- Tools