01- Cooling для BRP Lynx Ranger 600 - 2006
1509000140 Coolant-tankCoolant-tank
25247241 RadiatorRadiator
336083 RivetRivet
4509000141 HoseHose
55347902 HoseHose
65347901 HoseHose
7509000142 HoseHose
8509000146 RadiatorRadiator
9408800400 ClampClamp
10509000045 ClampClamp
11509000187 Cap pressureCap pressure
1239038 HoseHose
13390003 TubingTubing
1436489 RivetRivet
1527100 Tie-rapTie-rap
16509000144 HoseHose
1727025 ClipClip
18509000093 HoseHose
19293650170 ClampClamp
20605353540 Fitting elbowFitting elbow
21509000143 HoseHose
22414619900 T-FittingT-Fitting
23605449802 TubingTubing
24293800018 Loctite 592, 50mlLoctite 592, 50ml
25509000153 VentilVentil
26605348608 Heat protectorHeat protector
Все узлы модели:
- • 01- Cooling
- 01- Crankcase
- 01- Crankshaft
- 01- Cylinder
- 01- DPM
- 01- Engine And Engine Support
- 01- Exhaust System
- 01- Ignition
- 02- Air Silencer
- 02- Carburetor
- 02- Fuel System
- 02- Oil Reservoir
- 04- Electric Starter
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Drive Axle And Chaincase
- 05- Drive Pulley
- 05- Driven Pulley
- 05- Pulley System
- 06- Brake
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski
- 07- Steering System
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 09- Bottom Pan
- 09- Decals
- 09- Frame
- 09- Frame
- 09- Hood
- 09- Rack
- 09- Seat
- 09- Utilities
- 10- Battery And Starter
- 10- Electrical Acessories
- 10- Electrical Acessories
- 10- Steering Harness