09- Cab, Console для BRP Ski-Doo Grand Touring 380 F/500 F - 2002

1517302529 Hood (Black B-160)Hood (Black B-160)
517302721 Hood (White B-153). 500 F.Hood (White B-153). 500 F.
2570027100 Hood LatchHood Latch
3390907700 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
4517124300 WasherWasher
5517302676 Center Grill (Black)Center Grill (Black)
6517302567 R.H. Intermediate Grill (Black)R.H. Intermediate Grill (Black)
517302568 L.H. Intermediate Grill (Black)L.H. Intermediate Grill (Black)
7517302569 R.H. Side GrillR.H. Side Grill
517302570 L.H. Side GrillL.H. Side Grill
8732601210 Hex. Tapping ScrewHex. Tapping Screw
9517302183 ClipClip
10517302669 R.H. Side FoamR.H. Side Foam
11517302670 L.H. Side FoamL.H. Side Foam
12517302158 Headlamp MouldingHeadlamp Moulding
13517302003 Windshield SupportWindshield Support
14517302560 Extra-High WindshieldExtra-High Windshield
15570023800 Windshield LatchWindshield Latch
16517302615 Hood GuideHood Guide
17390910000 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
18243141640 Hex. Screw M4.8 x 16Hex. Screw M4.8 x 16
19517302561 R.H. ConsoleR.H. Console
20517302006 L.H. ConsoleL.H. Console
21517302621 R.H. Console SupportR.H. Console Support
22517302624 Rubber StopperRubber Stopper
23517302563 Center Console (Black (B-160))Center Console (Black (B-160))
24391301600 WasherWasher
25732600030 ScrewScrew
26390406500 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
27517302578 Air Intake PlateAir Intake Plate
28517302425 Secondary FoamSecondary Foam
29210261280 Hex. Forming Screw M6 x 12Hex. Forming Screw M6 x 12
30234061410 Flat Washer 6 mmFlat Washer 6 mm
31234161471 Lock Washer 6 mmLock Washer 6 mm
32517302024 R.H. Air Intake GrillR.H. Air Intake Grill
33517302025 L.H. Air Intake GrillL.H. Air Intake Grill
34517302151 Air Intake FoamAir Intake Foam
35517302043 Console NutConsole Nut
36293250029 GasketGasket
37390409400 Pop Rivet 5/32''Pop Rivet 5/32''
38517302286 Rubber StopperRubber Stopper
39517302129 Rope GuideRope Guide
40517302536 Indicator SupportIndicator Support
41517302420 FoamFoam
42241140060 Hex. Flanged Screw K40 x 10Hex. Flanged Screw K40 x 10
43414436800 Retainer CapRetainer Cap
44414436900 Snap Cap (Black)Snap Cap (Black)
45234042600 Flat Washer 4 mmFlat Washer 4 mm
46517124300 WasherWasher
47732601210 Hex. Tapping ScrewHex. Tapping Screw
48517302317 Center Foam (B-153). 500 F.Center Foam (B-153). 500 F.
49414971910 R.H. Mirror. Includes 49 - 52.R.H. Mirror. Includes 49 - 52.
414972010 L.H. MirrorL.H. Mirror
50208041641 Screw M4 x 16Screw M4 x 16
51517124300 WasherWasher
52232541414 Elastic Stop Nut M4Elastic Stop Nut M4
Все узлы модели:
- 01- Cooling System And Fan
- 01- Crankcase (377)
- 01- Crankcase (503)
- 01- Crankshaft And Pistons
- 01- Cylinder, Intake Exhaust Manifold
- 01- Engine Support And Muffler
- 02- Air Intake System
- 02- Carburetors (377)
- 02- Carburetors (503)
- 02- Fuel System
- 02- Oil Injection System
- 02- Oil Tank And Support
- 03- Magneto
- 04- Electric Starter
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Chaincase
- 05- Drive Axle And Track
- 05- Drive Pulley (377)
- 05- Drive Pulley (503)
- 05- Driven Pulley
- 06- Hydraulic Brake And Belt Guard
- 06- Mechanic Brake And Belt Guard
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski
- 07- Steering System
- 07- Steering System
- 08- Front Arm
- 08- Rear Arm
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 09- Bottom Pan
- • 09- Cab, Console
- 09- Cargo
- 09- Decals
- 09- Frame And Accessories
- 09- Seat And Accessories
- 10- Battery And Starter
- 10- Electrical System