08- Rear Suspension для BRP Lynx Adventure 800HO - 2005
1605252294 RunnerRunner
25343347 Runner shoeRunner shoe
340059 Socket head screw M6 x 60Socket head screw M6 x 60
433010 Elastic stop nut M6Elastic stop nut M6
5605348954 Runner protectorRunner protector
640031 He. screw M6 x 25He. screw M6 x 25
720003 Washer A6,4Washer A6,4
833200 Elastic flanged nut M6Elastic flanged nut M6
95442328 Rubber StopperRubber Stopper
1040032 Hex. screw M6 x 30Hex. screw M6 x 30
11548470 WasherWasher
125341633 TensionerTensioner
1340392 Socket head screw M8 x 45Socket head screw M8 x 45
1433201 Elastic flanged nut M8Elastic flanged nut M8
15605450182 SupportSupport
1640037 Hex. screw M8 x 25Hex. screw M8 x 25
1720104 Washer, hardened M8Washer, hardened M8
1833011 Elastic stop nut M8Elastic stop nut M8
1940089 Hex. screw M8 x 75Hex. screw M8 x 75
20503183100 Washer, hardened M8Washer, hardened M8
21503191029 Wheel black 135mm/mustaWheel black 135mm/musta
22605348720 Rear shaftRear shaft
235441512 SleeveSleeve
24605450572 SleeveSleeve
2540050 Hex. screw M10 x 35Hex. screw M10 x 35
26503183300 Washer, hardened M10Washer, hardened M10
2740239 Screw M10 x 100Screw M10 x 100
2833004 Nut M10Nut M10
2933012 Nut elastic M10Nut elastic M10
305145588 Welded front armWelded front arm
3131024 CushionCushion
3234011 Crease nippleCrease nipple
335347633 Shaft, shockShaft, shock
3440536 Allen screw M10 x 45Allen screw M10 x 45
355446786 Support plateSupport plate
3620068 Lock washer D10Lock washer D10
375346649 SpacerSpacer
3831013 ShimShim
3920116 WasherWasher
405346900 ShaftShaft
4540016 Hex. screw M10 x 45Hex. screw M10 x 45
46512056700 Lock washerLock washer
475346135 ShaftShaft
4820090 Lock washerLock washer
4940243 Hex. screw M12 x 60Hex. screw M12 x 60
505448025 CapCap
515343471 ShaftShaft
52605349381 Retainer for stopper strapRetainer for stopper strap
5340008 Hex. screw M8 x 45Hex. screw M8 x 45
54605449385 Stopper strapStopper strap
5540134 Allen screw M10 x 45Allen screw M10 x 45
5620105 Washer, hardened M10Washer, hardened M10
57605349313 Rear ArmRear Arm
5831027 CushionCushion
59605451897 ShaftShaft
6040014 Hex. screw M10 x 40Hex. screw M10 x 40
6131007 CirclipCirclip
6231091 ShimShim
635346865 ShaftShaft
645345535 Rear armRear arm
655248370 Upper armUpper arm
6640058 Locking screw M8 x 20Locking screw M8 x 20
67605448742 SleeveSleeve
68605448743 SleeveSleeve
6946027 Idler Wheel blackIdler Wheel black
7040056 Locking screw M8 x 16Locking screw M8 x 16
715343191 Slide partSlide part
7240064 Hex. screw M6 x 40Hex. screw M6 x 40
72570063600 CapCap
73572089000 Labyrinth sealLabyrinth seal
74293550033 Synt. greaseSynt. grease
75503189478 Wheel 165Wheel 165
7640335 Hex. screw m10 x 30Hex. screw m10 x 30
775444099 SleeveSleeve
78605449516 SleeveSleeve
79570023100 Rubber damperRubber damper
8040002 Hex. screw m6 x 40Hex. screw m6 x 40
81548387 WasherWasher
82605348900 Shock ass'y, front arm. Includes 82 to 90Shock ass'y, front arm. Includes 82 to 90
83605348902 Shock ass'y, rear arm. Includes 83 to 90Shock ass'y, rear arm. Includes 83 to 90
8423173 ShockShock
8423174 Shock ass'y, rear armShock ass'y, rear arm
8531094 CushionCushion
86320006 LoctiteLoctite
875346750 Spring stopperSpring stopper
8825064 Spring, front armSpring, front arm
8825055 Spring, rear armSpring, rear arm
89230048 CamCam
90230049 Spring guideSpring guide
915346754 ProtectorProtector
925446652 SleeveSleeve
93572097603 Idler wheel 135mm (Viper Red)Idler wheel 135mm (Viper Red)
94503189477 Idler wheel 165mm (Viper Red)Idler wheel 165mm (Viper Red)
95503190795 Ball bearingBall bearing
96371901700 CirclipCirclip
9720072 Lock washerLock washer
9833044 Nut M8Nut M8
9940011 Hex. screw M8 x 60Hex. screw M8 x 60
Все узлы модели:
- 01- Cooling
- 01- Crankcase
- 01- Crankshaft
- 01- Cylinder
- 01- Engine And Engine Support
- 01- Engine And Engine Support
- 01- Exhaust System
- 01- Ignition
- 02- Air Silencer
- 02- Carburetor 593
- 02- Fuel System
- 02- Oil Reservoir
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Drive Pulley
- 05- Drive System
- 05- Driven pulley
- 05- Pulley System
- 06- Brake
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski
- 07- Steering System
- 07- Take Apart Shock Rear
- 07- Take Apart Shock, Ski
- • 08- Rear Suspension
- 09- Bottom Pan
- 09- Decals
- 09- Frame
- 09- Frame
- 09- Hood
- 09- Rack
- 09- Seat
- 09- Utilities
- 10- Electrical Acessories
- 10- Electrical Acessories
- 10- Steering Harness