09- Frame And Accessories для BRP Ski-Doo Legend 500/600/700 - 2003
1415128551 Frame (SE SPORT, SE AIR). Includes 1 - 33. Legend 700.Frame (SE SPORT, SE AIR). Includes 1 - 33. Legend 700.
415128552 Frame (SE SPORT). Legend 500. Legend 600.Frame (SE SPORT). Legend 500. Legend 600.
415128552 Frame (SE AIR). Legend 600.Frame (SE AIR). Legend 600.
2518322534 Forming Frame. Includes 2 - 5.Forming Frame. Includes 2 - 5.
3518304746 Footrest ReinforcementFootrest Reinforcement
4518321303 Rear CapRear Cap
5390402200 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
6518320506 R.H. Footrest SupportR.H. Footrest Support
7518320507 L.H. Footrest SupportL.H. Footrest Support
8518323563 R.H. FootrestR.H. Footrest
9518323564 L.H. FootrestL.H. Footrest
10518323315 R.H. Slide BracketR.H. Slide Bracket
11518323318 L.H. Slide BracketL.H. Slide Bracket
12518201321 Reinforcement PlateReinforcement Plate
13518321305 R.H. Footrest ReinforcementR.H. Footrest Reinforcement
14518321307 L.H. Footrest ReinforcementL.H. Footrest Reinforcement
15518321510 Fuel Tank BracketFuel Tank Bracket
16518323193 R.H. Frame ReinforcementR.H. Frame Reinforcement
17518323195 L.H. Frame ReinforcementL.H. Frame Reinforcement
18390909200 Rivet AVEXRivet AVEX
19390909100 Rivet AVEXRivet AVEX
20390402200 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
21390402300 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
22518322636 R.H. Bottom Pan Plate. Legend 700.R.H. Bottom Pan Plate. Legend 700.
518319760 R.H. Bottom Pan Plate. Legend 500. Legend 600.R.H. Bottom Pan Plate. Legend 500. Legend 600.
23518322119 L.H. Reinforcement PlateL.H. Reinforcement Plate
24207152044 Hex. Screw M5 x 20Hex. Screw M5 x 20
25233251414 Elastic Flanged Nut M5Elastic Flanged Nut M5
26391301700 Flat WasherFlat Washer
27390910300 Rivet HenrobRivet Henrob
28518321543 Frame ProtectorFrame Protector
29518323321 Seat BracketSeat Bracket
30518323173 Double BracketDouble Bracket
31271000110 TrimTrim
32518322901 Rear Radiator. Includes 32 - 33.Rear Radiator. Includes 32 - 33.
33518321655 Radiator ProtectorRadiator Protector
34518322755 Handle SupportHandle Support
35207663544 Hex. Flanged Screw M6 x 35Hex. Flanged Screw M6 x 35
36233261414 Elastic Flanged Nut M6Elastic Flanged Nut M6
37518202100 Pulley Guard BracketPulley Guard Bracket
38518207500 ReinforcementReinforcement
39390402200 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
40414859400 CapCap
41518322635 Muffler SupportMuffler Support
42518310400 Air Intake SupportAir Intake Support
43518201307 Plate BracketPlate Bracket
44518322031 Tool Kit BracketTool Kit Bracket
45518321569 Rope GuideRope Guide
46518321570 Open ClampOpen Clamp
47293150103 Pop Rivet 3/16''Pop Rivet 3/16''
48518322699 Hose SupportHose Support
49518321954 Fastener PanelFastener Panel
50570069700 LatchLatch
51518321999 Tool Kit SupportTool Kit Support
52515175254 Cable SupportCable Support
Все узлы модели:
- 01- Cooling System (493)
- 01- Cooling System (593)
- 01- Crankcase, Water Pump And Oil Pump
- 01- Crankshaft And Pistons (493)
- 01- Crankshaft And Pistons (693)
- 01- Cylinder, Exhaust Manifold, Reed Valve (493
- 01- Cylinder, Exhaust Manifold, Reed Valve (693)
- 01- Engine Support And Muffler
- 02- Air Intake System
- 02- Air Intake System 2
- 02- Carburetors
- 02- Fuel System
- 02- Oil Tank
- 03- Ignition
- 03- Magneto (12V, 360W)
- 04- Electric Starter
- 04- Rewind Starter
- 05- Drive Axle And Track
- 05- Drive Pulley
- 05- Driven Pulley
- 05- Transmission
- 06- Hydraulic Brake And Belt Guard
- 07- Front Suspension And Ski
- 07- Handlebar - Adjustable (SE)
- 07- Steering System
- 08- Air Shock And Compressor (SE)
- 08- Front Arm
- 08- Rear Arm
- 08- Rear Shocks
- 08- Rear Suspension
- 09- Bottom Pan
- 09- Cab, Console
- 09- Decals
- • 09- Frame And Accessories
- 09- Seat And Accessories
- 10- Battery And Starter
- 10- Cab Harness
- 10- Console Harness
- 10- Frame Harness
- 10- Steering Harness